‧President-Howard Yu
‧Council Chairman of Taipei Paper Products
 Union from 2004 ~ 2010
‧Winner of 1996 Golden Vanguard Award for
 Outstanding Industrial Leader
‧Instructor of Packaging Technique Training
‧Experience in the industry: since 1976
   Commercial packaging is undividably connected to our lives, especially the packages made of paper taking the most part. Top-quality commercial packages can enhance product value, promote marketing sales, and serve as a good mechanism to prevent fraud. Our colleague industry owners can outmatch competitors when dealing with the packaging values insightfully. I have endeavored myself in package printing technique and have managed this business for over 25 years. Considering the production skills and the R&D on automatized precise equipment in Japan, Germany and other progressive countries, I am always with many feelings inside, hoping that the 21st century will be the Chinese's Century to catch up with western progressive countries and to prosper in the "Paper-making" & "Printing" skills invented originally by the Ancient Chinese.
"Quality is the essence of survival" is our management principle. “To invent cultural value” is our belief in corporate competitiveness, as well as our perception of the industry’s integrity. “Honesty, Professionalism, and Technicality” have built our service foundations. As we march into the 21st century, we present ourselves with a brand-new image and devote our enthusiasm to the cause of the packaging industry.
‧General Manager-Yu Kuan Yu
‧Instructor of Package Printing Practices
Experience in the industry: since 1986
  All Mei Yuan's staff learn specialty and technology from one another, and cooperate in a highly expertised level without any gap. Thus together we serve externally by raising communal tacit understanding and team-work spirit, which are simply honesty and dedication, to produce high quality and widely-known products at the same time. Hand tasks over to us and you can remain relaxed without worry. We congratulate you for your wise choice in advance, as we are recognized as one of the top leading forces in the industry.